Did you know? Circle Dock was a N.A.N.Y. Project at DonationCoder!?!!!

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DonationCoder.com N.A.N.Y. Project 2011 Announcement!!!

If you are a programmer and do not know about the N.A.N.Y. Project, then you are missing something BIG!!!!
DonationCoder.com holds an annual programming Competition (for lack of better terminology) each year.
This year is special as there is time between now and the end of 2010 to get in on this project.

Circle Dock was a N.A.N.Y. Project, what is yours???

More Information on the N.A.N.Y Page

What Circle Dock Allows You to Do:

  • Launch your programs from a circular dock.
  • Drag and drop your files, folders, and shortcuts onto a circular dock that you can re-size.
  • Rotate the dock with either your mouse wheel or the keyboard arrow keys.
  • Change the image shown for the icons and change the skins (compatible with icons and skins for Rocket Dock, Object Dock, etc.)
  • The dock appears where your mouse is by pressing a hotkey (default is F1) or your middle mouse button, other options available.
  • Tested on computers with multiple monitors, Windows XP/Vista/7, 32-bit & 64-bit, and requires only .Net Framework 2.0.
  • Automatically works on all Windows Vista and 7 computers and most Windows XP computers.
  • A new settings panel that allows you to customize many options. It updates your dock as you make changes. See it change in real time! No need to press an OK button.
  • Multi-language capable. Just translate the English.ini file to the language of your choice. 50+ Languages currently available
  • Change the image used for the dock icons with the easiest method out there: Just set the program to "Icon Replacement Mode" in the right-click menu of the center icon and you can change all the icon images by just dragging and dropping new PNG images onto them! Huge time saver when you are customizing your dock!
  • Built in support for Windows HD Icons. Vector and detailed PNG's come through with great clarity
  • toggle the visibility of the dock by moving your mouse to any edge of your screen. By default, the left and right edges are used for toggling. No need to press a button!
  • Rotate the dock with your mouse wheel or arrow keys (customizable).
  • Reorder and Organize the dock items with new adjustment interface. Located via right click on an item
  • By default, clicking on the center button does not open the start menu. You can enable this in the settings panel.
  • New easy method of upgrading from older versions.

Ellipse Example 01


Ellipse Example 01

  • Ability to run docklets, live synchronization of the dock icons, and more will be added later on.

Kiosk Version Notes

Feedback? Help? Comments?

Please provide feedback, bug reports, suggestions, and code contributions at the official Circle Dock Support Forum





The Idea Behind Circle Dock

The idea behind Circle Dock is that the dock should appear where your mouse is instead of you having to move your mouse to the dock like with other programs. This is accomplished by making the dock a circular or spiral shape so that it can be placed anywhere, even near the edge of the screen. The offscreen portions of the dock are easily reached by just scrolling with your mouse wheel or arrow keys.

A user defined hotkey combination is used to make the dock appear and disappear. By default, this combination is CTRL-WINDOWS KEY. You can change it in the settings area of the program.

If you have a mouse with extra buttons or you want to make one of your mouse buttons activate the dock, I recommend you use the program from http://www.highrez.co.uk/downloads/XMouseButtonControl.htm and use it to remap your mouse buttons. This makes it very convenient to toggle Circle Dock.

The current version of Circle Dock is 0.9. It is not feature complete when compared to the full fledged docks out there, such as Rocket Dock and Object Dock, but this program was coded in under 2 weeks for a programming competition at http://www.donationcoder.com so there was not enough time to investigate every standard dock feature and code it. As the program develops, more standard dock features will be added.

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