Download the latest version of Circle Dock

Download Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha Preview 8.2 (**October 13th, 2008**)

Download Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha 8 Kiosk Executable (**Sept. 16th, 2008**) - For Read Only Operation

Upgrade Instructions for Previous Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha Users:
There recommended steps to upgrade have been changed because there are some new files in Alpha 8 compared to Alpha 7. Please see the How to Upgrade page for the simple instructions on how to import your current settings.

Change Log

  • Please see the new Change Log page to see the complete list of changes and improvements made to this version of Circle Dock.

Quick Notes:
(1) —The bug of Circle Dock not taking focus sometimes when toggled by the mouse buttons is fixed with this release. Circle Dock is also now able to properly differentiate between X1 and X2 mouse buttons. This was fixed by rewriting a portion of the Orbit.Hook.dll file responsible for the mouse hooking. This new dll file is smaller (43kb) compared to the older Orbit.Hook.dll file (430 kb). I spoke too soon. The problem is not totally fixed. If you are having problems with Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha 8.2, please use the older version from Alpha 8.1. The functionality in both releases is the same except for the mouse hooking.—

  • Alpha 8.2 is a minor update from Alpha 8 and the changes are updated language files, some new backgrounds, and new icons. There is no change to the program. Thanks to Fernando Deurer, Sergio Fernández, Jens Peter Jensen (, Alex Hofstädter, Sibbl, Lingku, Igor Stanisic, moc.15tejdeeps|etoyoc#moc.15tejdeeps|etoyoc, and Boba-Fett for providing updates. The credit list inside the program will be updated in a later version. The credit list on the website has been updated.
  • Windows XP/Vista compatible. 32-bit & 64-bit compatible. Multi-monitor compatible. .Net Framework 2.0 and above for greater portability.
  • Includes French, English, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Dutch, Hungarian, Indonesian, Serbian, Croatian, Chinese, Spanish, German, and Danish language files. (Most language files are now up to date for Alpha 8.2)
  • Many bug fixes and some new options. See the Change Log.
  • Use "Icon Replacement Mode" in the right-click menu of the centre button to quickly replace the original icons with higher resolution ones. In this mode, you can just drag and drop new PNG images over top of the dock icons, centre button, and background and they will be replaced right away.
  • New Settings Panel with many options.
  • Be default, Circle Dock 0.9.2 uses your middle mouse button and the F1 key on your keyboard to toggle visibility. Both can be changed in the settings panel.
  • Moving your mouse to either the left or right edge of your screen toggles visibility. This can be turned off.
  • You can know grab the background and move the dock.
  • You can resize all the elements of the dock in the settings panel.
  • Please provide feedback, bug reports, suggestions, and code contributions at the official Circle Dock Support Forum:

Kiosk Version Notes

  • This is an executable that operates in read only mode and has all of it's menus disabled. It is meant for use on public computers where you do not want changes made to the dock and you want to lock down the system files.
  • The Kiosk Version requires that you change the dock settings and items using the regular version of Circle Dock and then replace the regular Circle Dock exe file with the Kiosk Version executable.

Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha 8.1

Download Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha Preview 8.1 (**Sept. 22nd, 2008**)

Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha 7.6

Download Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha Preview 7.6 (**Sept. 3rd, 2008**)

Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha Preview 7.5

Download Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha Preview 7.5 (**August 28th, 2008**)

Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha Preview 7.4

Download Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha Preview 7.4 (**August 28th, 2008**)

Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha Preview 7_3

Download Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha Preview 7_3

(August 25th, 2008) This build introduced the new settings panel that allows for lots of customization.

Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha Preview 6

Alpha Preview 6
Note: Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha Preview 6 should now run on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows OS's.

This is a new version of Circle Dock I'm working on. I have read many comments and have gotten lots of feedback from people who have tried out the first version of Circle Dock and have had problems with it. This version addresses many of the problems, such as memory usage, performance, and stability. If you are having problems with Circle Dock 0.9.1, please try this Alpha version out. It is incomplete in features but the core code is there. I'm releasing this version out early since many people were asking about it and now people on LifeHacker are talking about it.

Please bear in mind that the first version of Circle Dock was only coded in two weeks so there was bound to be some bugs. This new version is a complete rewrite and at idle, it now uses under 1 meg of ram. It also now only requires .Net 2.0 or greater, which means it will automatically work on Windows XP SP2/SP3 and all Vista versions without the need for more software!

Some usage tips:
-The settings panel is incomplete, but you can change the hotkey to toggle the visibility of Circle Dock in it. The default hotkey is F1.
-The program now has the direct ability to use your mouse buttons to toggle the visibility of the dock. By default, this is your middle-mouse button. Try it out! The final version will allow you to change the buttons or turn this feature off.
-In the Alpha versions, there are already icons on the dock but they all point to files on my (Eric Wong) computer. You have to delete these dock icons and drag-drop your own files onto the dock.

Please provide feedback at and I will answer your questions.

Download Circle Dock 0.9.1

Before using the program, ensure that you have the .Net Framework 3.5 or later installed on your computer. If you are unsure, go to and install it. Some users have reported instabilities with the program and installing the latest framework seems to help.

To use the program, simply unzip the file and double click on the "Circle Dock" icon. Drag files onto the dock to add them. Drag links in the dock to the centre of the dock to delete them. Right click to see availabe options.

To use the program on a USB memory key, simply unzip the program to the memory key and then:

  • Right-click on the dock and select "Settings"
  • Go to the "Behavior" tab and check "Portibility Mode"

This version has the capability to do both circles and spirals.

Download Circle Dock 0.9

This was the original release. It is the same as 0.9.1 except it was compiled for the .Net Framework 2.0.

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